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Is Zishapp available for iOS mobile devices?

Yes, you can get it on the AppStore.

Do I pay to sign up?

No, sign up is free for event attendees.

How much is an event ticket?

Take your time to find the particular event you wish to attend, and check out the ticket prices.

How do I find events near me?

Use the search bar and filter with categories, location and prices to find events happening around you.

Can I rate an event?

Yes, Zishapp lets you drop a review after attending an event.

Can I share my Zishapp sign in details?

It’s advisable that each user downloads Zishapp, and sign up with their personal details.

How do I purchase a ticket?

When you find an event that interests you, check out the organizer’s profile and proceed to make a payment to purchase your ticket. Enter your card details to buy your ticket.

How secure is my card details?

We use improved and secured payment technologies to ensure that each user enjoys secured payment process.
